Heart of Roses Arrangement

  • Delight someone special with a heartfelt gift by choosing the Heart of Roses Arrangement. This fabulous gift showcases pink and white roses, hydrangea, spray roses, and more arranged in a charming heart-shaped box. Perfect as a centerpiece, it's certain to bring brightness to any space for days to come. Additionally, you have the option to enhance this gift by adding your preferred choice of wine, beer, champagne, chocolates, and more from our custom options.

    Please Note : This gift contains perishable items.  To guarantee freshness, we highly recommend that an express shipping method (Same-Day, Next-Day or Overnight) be used to ship any order consisting of fruits/chocolate-dipped fruits, cakes/baked goods, flowers/plants, cheese, and all other perishable items.

  • This floral arrangement features a selection of roses, spray roses, hydrangea, and greens gathered into a heart-shaped box. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.

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Our Flower Gifts & Floral Arrangements

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